Fast-Track® Breeding

The Fast-Track® Breeding solution allows to secure and breed the newly created models of interest in optimal conditions to initiate your preclinical trials quickly and safely.

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What is Fast-track® Breeding?

A step towards preclinical trials

Fast colony expansion for your preclinical trials​
Embryo & sperm recovery​

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Fast-Track® Breeding
a step towards preclinical trials

Preserve & secure your strains

Benefit from a recognized expertise and the latest cutting-edge technologies for cryopreservation and assisted reproduction.

Our reproductive sciences experts offer you very high quality services.

Assisted reproduction means the use of clinical and biological technologies allowing “In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)”, embryo transfer and artificial insemination.

  • Rapid colony expansion
  • Embryo revitalisation
  • Sperm revitalisation
  • Strain decontamination
Breed your research models

The production of specific research models, such as genetically engineered mouse and rat models requires a high skill level in multiple scientific areas as well as technological platforms. Rodents in customized breeding facilities are bred according to our quality criteria respecting our ethics policy, with a guaranteed SOPF or SPF health status.

Breeding units have been developed to adapt to the rodent strains with the most optimal conditions and respect specifications in controlled environment (temperature, humidity and light).

A SOPF sanitary level is ensured in all production units.

Project management

All stages of your animal breeding project are supported by a unique and dedicated project manager to assure the strict respect of your requirements. The project manager ensures the proper monitoring of the strain, breeding activities and genetic and health controls necessary for each project.

He/she implements the technical requirements, coordinates human resources (animal caretakers, technical services and transport) and consults our experts in reproduction, time mating, colony expansion in order to obtain, in the requested time, the animal batches with the expected genetic and physiological profile to carry out the sponsor’s experiments.

Colony management

We provide a SOPF and SPF status for your rodents. Health monitoring is performed by independent laboratories, with the neutrality and objectivity of the results. Our genotyping process allows us to obtain rapid, standardized and reliable results.

Each stage of the project is documented and fedup stream by our services in the ANIBIOTM management software, so that the sponsor can follow the progress of the project step by step and can indicate any requested modification at any time. The information is transmitted to the project manager who coordinates the technical and logistic teams.

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Design genetically engineered models : mouse, rat and primary human cell.


Characterise your models (immunoprofiling) and access knowledge with gold-standard immunomics.


Your models delivered directly to your facilities with dedicated transport.

Frequently asked questions

How can I follow up my customized breeding projects ?

All stages of your animals’ breeding are supported by a unique and dedicated project manager to assure the strict respect of your needs and requirements. With Anibio, your dedicated customized breeding software, you can access 24/24 7/7 your project details to follow up the development programs.
A nique and dedicated project manager (with a PhD in molecular biology/genetics) will guide you from the beginning to the end of the project.

What is the timeframe to generate experimental cohorts of newly created models?

It usually takes several weeks from the time a request is received until the experimental cohorts are available for being used. Assuming a minimum of 2 weeks for ordering, 3 weeks for gestation, 3 weeks of weaning, 3 weeks post-weaning and 2 weeks for health testing post-weaning, it is usually a minimum of 12-13 weeks from request receipt to transfer the cohorts to you. This can be lengthened by factors such as the size of cohorts, the sex and age of animals breeding strategy.

What will be the health status of the cohorts of genetically edited rodent models?

The production of specific and complex research models, such as genetically altered mouse or rat models requires a high skill level in different scientific areas as well as advanced technological platforms.
Newly designed rodents in customized breeding are bred according to our quality criteria and whilst respecting our ethics policy, with a guaranteed SOPF or SPF health status.